Delajin Grosir saka horisontal Pumps Double Suction - Pump Water Boiler - LIANCHENG Detail:
Pompa model DG minangka pompa centrifugal centrifugal horisontal lan cocok kanggo ngangkut banyu murni (kanthi isi penting 'sing kurang saka 0.1mm) lan kimia liyane sing padha karo banyu murni.
Kanggo pompa pirang-pirang tahap multi-tahap, loro-lorone ujung didhukung, bagean casing ana ing bentuk bagean, mula ana motor, ndeleng saka acttuating, isih apik.
Tanduran Tenaga
P: 63-1100m 3 / H
H: 75-2200mm
T: 0 ℃ ℃ 170 ℃
P: Max 25bar
Detail Detail Produk:

Pandhuan Produk sing gegandhengan:
"Kualitas paling penting", perusahaan kasebut berkembang kanthi kabisat lan wates
We always work as a tangible team to ensure that we can provide you with the best quality and the best price for Wholesale Dealers of Horizontal Double Suction Pumps - boiler water supply pump – Liancheng, The product will supply to all over the world, such as: Bangalore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Our technical expertise, customer-friendly service, and specialized products make us/company name the first choice of customers and vendors. Kita nggoleki priksaan sampeyan. Ayo nyiyapake kerjasama saiki!

Ing China, kita wis tuku kaping pirang-pirang, wektu iki paling sukses lan paling marem, pabrikan China Cina sing tulus lan bisa dirasakake!