Njelaske nganggo bentuk garis
Pompa saluran pemanas nw, digunakake kanggo 125000 kW-300000 kw-300000 kW kanthi saluran pemanas tekanan rendah, suhu medium saliyane 150nw-90 x 2 luwih saka model liyane saka 120 ℃ kanggo model. Kinerja rongga Pump Series apik, cocog kanggo kahanan kerja NPSH sing kurang.
Pompa-pambangunan got saluran pemanas NW utamane dumadi saka starator, rotor, banter lan shaft segel. Kajaba iku, pompa didorong nganggo motor kanthi kopling elastis. Mungkasi axial motor ndeleng pompa, titik pompa duwe jam kanthi jam lan counter-clockwise.
Stasiun Daya
Q: 36-182m 3 / H
H: 130-230m
T: 0 ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ 130 ℃
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Pandhuan Produk sing gegandhengan:
"Kualitas paling penting", perusahaan kasebut berkembang kanthi kabisat lan wates
Kita terus-terusan menehi panyedhiya klien sing paling konsiliasi, ditambah macem-macem desain lan gaya sing paling akeh kanthi bahan sing paling apik. These initiatives include the availability of customized designs with speed and dispatch for Factory wholesale Submersible Slurry Pump - Low Pressure Heater Drainage Pump – Liancheng, The product will supply to all over the world, such as: Kenya, Uruguay, Frankfurt, Our company is an international supplier on this kind of merchandise. We offer an amazing selection of high-quality products. Our goal is to delight you with our distinctive collection of mindful products while providing value and excellent service. Our mission is simple: To provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible.

Kualitas produk apik banget, utamane ing rincian, bisa dideleng manawa perusahaan kasebut kerja kanthi aktif kanggo nyukupi kapentingan pelanggan, supplier sing apik.