Pricelist foar buis goed ûnderlanner pomp - SPLITE CASSJE SELF-SUCT SINFEID PUTRIFUGALE PUP - Lianchengdetail:
SLQS series single stage dual suction split casing powerful self suction centrifugal pump is a patent product developed in our company .for helping users to settle the difficult problem in the installation of pipeline engineering and equipped with a self suction device on the basis of the original dual suction pump to make the pump to have the exhaust and water-suction capacity.
Wetterferliening foar Yndustry & City
wetterbehanneling systeem
Aircondition & waarme sirkulaasje
Flammable eksplosyf floeibere ferfier
Acid & Alkali Transport
F: 65-11600M3 / H
H: 7-200m
T: -20 ℃ ~ 105 ℃
P: Maks 25BuR
Produkt detail Foto's:

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