Bêste priis op fertikale ein Suction-ynline pomp - Split Casing Self-Suction Centrifugale Pump - Lianchengdetail:
SLQS series single stage dual suction split casing powerful self suction centrifugal pump is a patent product developed in our company .for helping users to settle the difficult problem in the installation of pipeline engineering and equipped with a self suction device on the basis of the original dual suction pump to make the pump to have the exhaust and water-suction capacity.
Wetterferliening foar Yndustry & City
wetterbehanneling systeem
Aircondition & waarme sirkulaasje
Flammable eksplosyf floeibere ferfier
Acid & Alkali Transport
F: 65-11600M3 / H
H: 7-200m
T: -20 ℃ ~ 105 ℃
P: Maks 25BuR
Produkt detail Foto's:

Ferlykbere produktgids:
"Kwaliteit is it wichtichste", de Enterprise ûntjout troch sprongen en grinzen
Wy binne ôfhinklik fan sturdige technyske krêft en meitsje har sofistike technologyen oan om te foldwaan oan 'e heule wrâld, it ûntwikkeling fan' e iene oft: TEANTSJOCHTS BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE BINNE KINNE Tsjinst.

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